Front and rear Ford Transit fenders Ford Transit front and rear fenders are available at our store for each side of the car. Fenders are bodywork components that are frequently subjected to dents and corrosion. Protecting the parts behind it is one of the key purposes of a fender on a Ford Transit. The mudguard also shields the car's wheel from mud, water, and other foreign objects. The fender's defensive role also involves defending the wheel against mechanical harm; in the event of a collision with another car or something else, the fender is likely to sustain damage. A wheel failure could prevent the driver from finishing the van's journey, in contrast to a simple fender dent on a Ford Transit that has no immediate impact on how the car handles. Typically constructed of sheet metal, the Ford Transit fender is fastened to the car via mounting bolts.
Ford Transit fender with damage Finding Ford Transit fenders is frequently done since broken ones come from improper maneuvering on crowded city and town streets. In the Transit, this causes the vehicle to be scratched or the entire fender to be dented. Despite having a great deal of driving experience, van drivers frequently find themselves in particular traffic situations that other drivers have generated. Since the Ford Transit is a delivery van, the driver often tries to get as close to the unloading location as possible, which leads to dents on the bodywork. Even though someone repeatedly does the same action every day, it is still possible for them to become deterred or fixated on anything one day. In this situation, it is worthwhile to look at what our online store Transit Center has to offer. We provide both new and used fenders for every Ford Transit model. Often, having your van repainted is not worth it because it takes at least several hours, and every hour that a car is idle when it should be making money is lost. For this reason, some customers choose to purchase fenders for their Transit that are original equipment and match the color of their van. They can therefore replace the damaged part with a new fender for their Ford Transit at their convenience rather than having to drive the van to a painter. They not only save money in this way, but also time.
Left and right fender for for transit Vous avez le choix entre l'achat d'une aile de Ford Transit d'origine ou d'une pièce de carrosserie de remplacement. Pour les côtés gauche et droit, respectivement, nous fournissons des ailes avant et arrière. La perspective de la camionnette, ou celle du conducteur à l'intérieur, est utilisée pour évaluer les côtés. Sur les automobiles avec conduite à droite (RHD), l'aile droite est du côté du conducteur, tandis que l'aile gauche est du côté du passager. Le volant se trouve sur le côté gauche de la camionnette, ce qui est l'inverse de ce qui se passe sur les camionnettes LHD.
Pièces pour Aile de Ford Transit Il existe des versions de l'aile du Ford Transit avec et sans trous. Un trou dans une aile de Transit indique généralement qu'un feu de signalisation peut y être inséré. Il existe des versions régulières et étendues d'un témoin lumineux positionné sur l'aile. L'emplacement du feu dans l'aile améliore la visibilité du véhicule pour les autres usagers de la route. Le Ford Transit 2014 dispose en outre de bandes de plastique installées sur les ailes qui servent d'élément cosmétique et ajoutent à la résistance à la corrosion des ailes.